On-Demand Learning

On-Demand Webinars

NBMDA offers a host of complimentary webinars to support the needs of member companies. Just like a seminar or convention, these online forums help bring together a wide and varied group of people from all over the industry.

University of Innovative Distribution (UID) Year-Round

When it comes to the University of Innovative Distribution (UID), the educational fun doesn't just start and stop in March. UID offers topical webinars on a year-round basis, thanks to the support of the Association Education Alliance (AEA): a consortium of 40+ distribution professional associations, in cooperation with the Department of Technology Leadership and Innovation of Purdue University.

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Winning the War for Talent

The war for talent is escalating. Some organizations are ill-prepared to handle the challenges of an increasingly complex labor market, shackled by the “we’ve always done it this way” mentality. Others are thriving, armed with analytical insights and surrounded by allies, allowing them to snap up highly performing “impact players” and supercharge their growth. What kind of an organization are you? More importantly, what kind do you want to be in the future?

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Diversity & Inclusion Webinar Series

Kelly McDonald – a marketing and advertising specialist and author of three bestselling business books – presents three webinars recordings that will help you and your company develop deeper insights into the diverse workforce. Learn how you can reach and retain diverse workers, lead an inclusive team and more.

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2023 Macroeconomics Webinar Series

Provided by NBMDA Partner, Miller Resource Group

The U.S. economy is firmly on the back side of the business cycle. Further deceleration lies ahead, but the severity and longevity of the downturn is uncertain. Find out what's on the horizon from Alex Chausovsky, the Vice President of Analytics and Consulting at the Miller Resource Group, during our brand-new webinar series.

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Distribution Sales Webinar Series

Recorded as four thirty-minute-long, information-intensive “Voice over PowerPoint” programs, this series will help even your experienced sales pros increase their selling control and persuasive positioning. These presentations – led by sales leadership speaker, trainer, and consultant Jim Pancero – have been designed to be utilized as either a video learning program to be viewed at your desk, or as an audio podcast to be listened to while driving or exercising.

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